
Examinations Weeks: 2019 Mid-year Examinations from 27th April 2019 (Saturday) until 20th May 2019 (Monday). Click link on IMPORTANT! to view schedules.

Brunei-Cambridge G.C.E 'O' Level May/June 2019: 29th April 2019 (Monday) until 14th June 2019 (Friday)

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Form Sixth Registration

We went to MDPMAMB, Gadong before 8am. When we met with Admission Officer, we were told that our home address wasn't listed under MDPMAMB. We were told to registered at Pusat Tingkatan Enam Meragang (PTEM) instead.

We went to PTEM and meet with Admission Officer, they were kind enough to explain us the details and necessary items needed. After fill in the form we went on queue to meet Careers Officer. After getting information on which subjects to take, we went back.

Stop by at Seri to get passport size photo taken then headed to CHMS. Meet with Counselor and she help to get signature from Principal. Since morning session for today form sixth registration ended, we went home instead.

2:30pm we went back to PTEM to send application form but before that we need to meet Head of Department of subjects that selected, having mini interview and getting their signature. A total of 6 signatures made.

We like PTEM however the location wasn't convenient for us. No public bus route, taxi (Dart) fare was expensive and no shortcut road getting there.

4th February (Monday)
Sent transfer letter to Admission Officer at PTEM.
Hopefully MDPMAMB will accept the transfer.
Now waiting for offer letter to be sent to CHMS.

CHMS CNY Holiday Announcement