
Examinations Weeks: 2019 Mid-year Examinations from 27th April 2019 (Saturday) until 20th May 2019 (Monday). Click link on IMPORTANT! to view schedules.

Brunei-Cambridge G.C.E 'O' Level May/June 2019: 29th April 2019 (Monday) until 14th June 2019 (Friday)

Monday, July 25, 2011

we have flickr now!

This blog has been ignore again *sad*... we were so busy and mom forgot to update it for us. Anyway we spend our midterm school break at Sabah, here are of of the photo...for more photo snap by us please visit our flickr photostream, yes we have our own flickr now ;)

NKL22RD 005NKL22BU 107

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