
Examinations Weeks: 2019 Mid-year Examinations from 27th April 2019 (Saturday) until 20th May 2019 (Monday). Click link on IMPORTANT! to view schedules.

Brunei-Cambridge G.C.E 'O' Level May/June 2019: 29th April 2019 (Monday) until 14th June 2019 (Friday)

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


          She is the first offspring of the family, born on 23rd December 2000 early two days from her actual EDD around 11.57am at Puan Medinah Hospital. She weight around 3.3kg. She was delivery via vacuum extension. Mom was actually admitted around 1am after her water broke around 12 midnight. She thought she'll be delivering soon but instead she has to bear nearly 12 hour pain before giving birth to her. Mom lost so many blood and nearly faint during the delivery, even the doctor suggest for cesarean but apparently the baby heads was out a lil bit but mom can't push any harder as she's out of energy due to prolong pain and sleepless. After the doctor vacuum her head, she was out to see the world. That time mom's was very happy that her baby is safe but can see her clearly as mom's vision became dark and nearly faint. She look exactly like her father especial her head, no wonder she was stuck in there and need to be vacuum to help her out. But one things for sure her eyes a bright and like a moon, she amaze them all because she's just been born a few hours and already open her eyes and it's big. Carerra was name by her dad and her second name Eleanor represent mom's dad. She a very nice baby, hardly cry or making noise...she cries when she's hungry, wet and not feeling well. Now she's grown up, she able to take care her other sibling and help with the house chores.

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