
Examinations Weeks: 2019 Mid-year Examinations from 27th April 2019 (Saturday) until 20th May 2019 (Monday). Click link on IMPORTANT! to view schedules.

Brunei-Cambridge G.C.E 'O' Level May/June 2019: 29th April 2019 (Monday) until 14th June 2019 (Friday)

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


          Carigan was born on 12th January 2003, 11.11am at Puan Medinah Hospital. He was weight around 3.3kg. His skin a lil bit darker that his other sibling. So, mom thought Carigan has inherit her skintone but day by day his skintone became lighter and just like his other sibling. After he was born, our grand mother (dad's mom) came visit and took 2 live chicken as a 'sogit'. Carigan is the first grandson from his dad family, as non of his other brother has a son by that time. Carigan nickname is Owen, which given by his eldest sister. Before naming as Carigan, mom was actually plan to name his Carlyle but dad didn't approved the first name and they re-search for other name which is Carigan Eleazar. Carigan has a strong hand and head, before he reach 2 years old he broke his wooden bed and often got mom's mouth bleed as if he's angry or want something he will knock his head to others face. He's a hyperactive kids, hard to control but now as he grown up...he turn better than before. But still giving us a headache and heart attack especially to mom. The special things about Carigan is he's friendly, forgiving and never start a fight at school. The most unforgettable and worst things ever happen to him is he was push while playing at school and his elbow bones crack and gotten a surgery to attach his bone back together.

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